Tag Archives: hit the board

Tips to make you win a Holdem game

Poker is a famous game worldwide. Thanks to online poker games, people can enjoy the virtues of playing it anytime from anywhere.Hold’em is one version of poker that is famous and opted for by millions across the  world. Just like any other game of gambling, this poker game also has certain strategies to look for and abide by. Here is a list of such tips that one can keep in mind to win a hand in a game of Hold’em.

Ensure to Flush ‘Em Out: This is the best tip that a Hold’em player can follow. say, if one has 4 cards that make a flash following a flop, ensure that you flush them enough around one third of the time to increase your chances of winning.

Try and abstain from playing suited cards: Try and ensure that you are not in the habit of playing two cards at one go simply because of the fact that they are suited. Remember that there is only as much as 2.5% difference amongst suited and unsuited cards.

Pair up various sets: Try and pair up unsuited cards during a flop round to increase your winning chance.

Ensure that you Hit the Board: Remember that you will need only half the time to pair your unpaired cards with the community cards once all 5 are flipped over.

Play three of a Kind: it is important to remember that the chances of successfully playing out small pairs help you to win greater bets.

Inside Straight: while one wants to play online poker for money, he will get about 9% time hit with their gut shot during the whole game.

Try to opt for Over Pair: When there are two pairs that are supposed to go head to head, the chances of the bigger pair to win is about 4/5 th times more than the other pair.

These are tried and tested strategies that have been adopted and testified by regular Hold’em players. These players have actually benefited from the poker game by using these strategies to action. Hence, if you are thinking to win the poker games then ensure that you try out these strategies and tips to the fullest .This will help to enhance your chances of winning the game as compared to others. These tips will help one by equipping them with required statistics that is involved in a game of poker Hold’em